
Showing posts from July, 2019


Nearly 37 weeks and I am physically ready to have this baby. Up until a couple of days ago, his room was a big, big mess. We had Miss B's 5'th birthday parties (yes, plural!) a couple of weekends ago and, while at the time, shoving everything into the nursery seemed like a good idea and fast way to de-clutter the lounge, I really, really, regretted it. Sigh. What a job that was! I finally feel mentally and emotionally ready for this baby to arrive. It's kind of exciting! It's possible that my physical discomfort and awful sleep might be egging me on... but I think I'm ready. It feels like a bold statement. But there it is. I've said it! I'm ready. At the same time, I'm trying to remind myself that no one can ever be fully prepared for a baby they haven't met yet. I don't know what he's going to be like. Is he going to be a good sleeper? A good feeder? A happy baby? Is he going to have reflux like my last one? There is no way of knowin...